photo: Matic Kremžar
As most of you know, together with fellow bloggers Ajda and Tjaša, we've been working on a special "Bloggers run with Adidas" project, getting ready for our final 15 km trail run. Our trainer Blaž Strožer provided us with a special program, that will prepare us for the final match, although I must admit our group training (as you can see on the photos) still remains my favorite!
Running program:
day 1
30 min base run (pace between 60-70%)
6x 50m interval runs (building up till your sub-maximal level)
day 2
Rest day
day 3
10 min base run (pace between 60-70%)
3x1 km interval runs with 1 min pause in between (pace between 80-90%)
10 min base run
day 4
Rest day
day 5
10 min base run (pace between 60-70%)
6x 1 km interval runs with 1 min pause in between (pace between 80-90%)
day 6
Rest day
day 7
40-50 min base run (pace between 60-70%)
Wish you all a beautiful Sunday!
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