Bloggers run with Adidas: Soča outdoor festival

Sunday, July 10, 2016

photos: Matic Kremžar

A week ago, our project Bloggers run with Adidas officially ended with Soča outdoor festival run. The competition took place at probably one of the most gorgeous parts of Slovenia, challenging our girls with 15km trail. Unfortunately I didn't take part in the competition, as such difficult trail would be a little bit too much for my knees, but I was really proud of all of our Adidas girls that finished the run! But if there's one thing I'm really excited about, is the fact that with this project and with the help of our trainer, after one year break, I'm getting back to running! And let me just say that absolutely nothing (especially my knees) is stopping me right now! :)
Thank you Adidas and thanks to all of our girls that were a part of this project, I truly had a blast!



Unknown said...

Lovely pics Tessa, thanks for sharing the run story. I feel for you about the knees;-) Mine are not the best and it hurts to run nowadays. So i stick to short distances.
Enjoy your activities.
Marie x

Marie said...

ops, forgot my details..


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