Marx #nofliter

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

photos: Ursa Premik Photography (first photo: Mimi Antolovic)

If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat, then you already got a little glimpse into one of my latest projects. Together with two other bloggers, Ella and Maja we had a super fun day with Marx, a lovely brand with even more beautiful message. The whole concept was based on #nofilter, so keeping the photos real, just as Marx tries to share this positive message of loving and accepting yourself through their design and their clothing. And they decided to bring us bloggers along on this lovely adventure. From playing tourist in my own city and visiting Marx shoot to one of the most delicious meals I've ever had. Chef Bine Volčič at Monstera bistro, tried to capture Marx's concept and latest collection within his dishes, giving us an incredible culinary experience which was a perfect ending to an amazing day!
Thank you Marx for having me and stay tuned for some more as this was just a beginning! ;)


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