Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Anine Bing sweater/ Zara skirt/ Jimmy Choo bag/ Guess heels via Mass

It's the last day of 2016 and boy, where do I start?! This year was one of the craziest, scariest, exciting, difficult, most challenging, eye opening, intense and liberating years so far and looking back it was actually one of the best years of my life. It was a year of a real personal growth, I pushed myself, learned so much and finally stepped out of my comfort zone. It was a year of so many amazing projects, collaborations and travels. A year when I had to let go of certain someones, but got to meet and work with so many expiring people and I made some incredible new friendships along the way. One of them being Ajda, my blogger bestie, with whom I decided to share this new years post. From my personal beauty guru and computer hacker to a great travel buddy and of course an amazing friend, we had so much fun in 2016 and I'm super excited for all of our upcoming adventures!
Of course there's also Katarina, my partner in crime, one the best things that has happened to me this year and with whom I share some of my favorite moments of 2016! Her incredible photography skills, constant support and motivation, her willing to keep up with me even when I'm hungry, tired and grumpy (the worst combination, trust me) make me appreciate her even more and I honestly can't thank her enough!
Last but not least, I wanted to thank you all for sticking along with me, for keep coming back to Magnifique, supporting and motivating me to keep doing what I love the most! I hope 2016 was a good year for you too, but remember, no matter how good or bad this past year was, it's time to stop looking back and focus on the future. It's all up to us, to make the 2017 the best year so far, with positive attitude, clear goals and keeping in mind that we should never take life to seriously...We got this! :))

Lots of love,


Natali said...

Gorgeous ladies!! Love your outfits girls! Best of wishes to you in 2017!


Desirèe D'Aloia said...

very beautiful girls!



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