Something charming, something sweet

Friday, April 21, 2017

Wearing Stradivarius T-shirt/ Zara jeans/ YSL bag/ Zlatarna Celje bracelets

There is jewellery we wear when we want to compliment the outfit, there is jewellery we wear for fun and there is jewellery we wear because it might be a little bit more personal, carrying a really special meaning. And what do you get when you combine the three? BHAPPY bracelets! They are super cute, they come with many different symbols and of course they add a special touch to the whole outfit. But my favorite part is that they were made to make someone happy! These adorable bracelet are a perfect gift and a good luck charm for either your best friend, maybe your sister, mother and any other special lady in your life or you can just simply get it for yourself! 

...In za vse moje drage Slovenske bralke, ki bi rade sebe ali svoje najdražje pocrkljale s takšno zapestinco, smo pripravili kodo TESA10 za popust pri spletnem nakupu (TUKAJ)!


photos: Katarina Veselič


Anonymous said...

Looking beautiful and stylish in this laid-back combo!

Live-Style20 said...

fine pics- = )))

i invite to me too


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