The coolest hotel in London

Monday, April 10, 2017

As most of you know, I spent the last couple of days in the city of London. It's been a while since my last visit and I was really super excited to be back and during my trip I got to stay at a place that completely blew my mind! I arrived to K West Hotel & Spa without any real expectations, I saw the photos before, so all I was really expecting was a cute and adorable hotel. But boy I was wrong, as this place is way more than just another hotel! K West Hotel & Spa used to be recording studios, where all major stars (think David Bowie, Bob Marley etc) recorded their music and when it turned into a hotel it was a place to be. Adele and Amy Winehouse are just a few names that stayed here, but I'm pretty sure each of major British artists made an appearance here at least once, during those crazy after parties! 
And the result? As they like to say: "It's a world where rock and roll swagger meets urban cool!" ..and I couldn't agree more! From the amazing art work (that they collect from inspiring artists), to beautiful decor and amazing service. Of course I must not forget to mention the insane spa, that offers some pretty cool treatments such as imitation of sun rays, for some well needed vitamin D and the imitation of Finish sauna with real snow involved! Now I don't know about you, but as far as I'm concerned, this his might actually be the coolest hotel in London! :)


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