Less is more

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Total look Topshop

Sometimes you don't need accessories, lots of makeup or a lot of effort for a great look. Sometimes all you need are just a few cool pieces, a pair of high heels and sassy attitude, which at the end is the one that really makes an outfit, right? :)

And for all my Slovenian reader, here's a chance of how you can win a complete Topshop look!

V soboto, 27. maja, med 11h in 13h obišči trgovino Topshop v Emporiumu, skombiniraj svoj Topshop outfit, se v njem fotografiraj in fotografijo objavi na svojem Instagram ali Facebook profilu s hashtagoma #topshopslovenija in #emporium.
Zmagovalka, bo osvojila outfit po lastni izbiri, prav vse sodelujoče pa čaka Topshop darilce!

Se vidimo! :))


photos: Katarina Veselič

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always looking adorable and so elegant! This is a great outfit!



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