#InBlazer (part three)

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Total look Marella

For my final look in collaboration with Marella, I decided to keep it a little bit more conservative, as I feel like this blazer is the most wearable out of all of them. It's actually really easy to style and I believe it's absolutely everday/work appropriate, as long as we keep the rest of the outfit simple and clean. So, I'm curious to know which out of my three looks and three Marella jackets was your favorite (check out the other two here and here) and for all my Slovenian readers:

Drage bralke,

V četrtek, 29.9.2016, med 16-19h uro vabljene v Galerijo Emporium, kjer bomo skupaj pomerjale in kombinirale te fenomenalne Marelline blazerje, ena izmed vas pa bo enega izmed teh lepotcev odnesla s sabo domov in ga dodala v svojo garderobo!

Se vidimo! 



Natali said...

Fall perfect outfit!! Your coat is so unique and edgy!


Live-Style20 said...

so lovely look ; -))

i invite to me too



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