#InBlazer (part two)

Monday, September 26, 2016

Total look Marella

Here I am, wearing the second #InBlazer from Marella. If my first look (check it out here) had a little bit of that chic, Parisian vibe, I guess this one keeps it in the cool, New York style! It's really simple and comfortable, yet modern and stylish, all thanks to THE blazer of course. I guess I don't need to go on and on about my philosophy on statement pieces, as this outfit pretty much speaks for itself, basically showing you how how easy it is to achieve a cute, fashionable look!

And for all of my Slovenian readers:

Drage bralke,

V četrtek, 29.9.2016, med 16-19h uro vabljene v Galerijo Emporium, kjer bomo skupaj pomerjale in kombinirale te fenomenalne Marelline blazerje, ena izmed vas pa bo enega izmed teh lepotcev odnesla s sabo domov in ga dodala v svojo garderobo!

Se vidimo! 


1 comment:

Natali said...

Incredible masculine outfit, you've totally nailed it!



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