Library Hotel NYC

Monday, September 19, 2016

Hello everyone! Long time no see right? Well if you follow me on Instagram, then you know I have a good reason, for being a little bit mia as I just got home from New York. It was an amazing trip, a mixture of business and pleasure, with New York fashion week on one side and exploring the city on the other side. 
But one of the highlights of my trip was definitely my stay at the Library Hotel. It's a part of Library Hotel Collection, which covers seven hotels, each having a distinct style and personality. And the one that I was staying at, is pretty much every book lover's dream! It's a home to over 6000 books, with each of the ten guestroom floors being dedicated to one of the ten major classifications of knowledge of the Dewey Decimal System. For what is more, each guestroom features its own library of books and artwork on a unique subject, but for me it was the beautiful reach wood furnishing and contemporary design that really won me over. The hotel also features a lovely guest lounge and the Reading Room, you can enjoy wine and cheese reception each evening and the delicious selection of teas, coffee, cookies and fruits is available at all times. But the best part of this adorable hotel? Their exceptional rooftop terrace! Also known as The Writer's Den and Poetry Garden, offers an incredible views of the New York Public Library which transform into a very popular bar in the evenings called Bookmarks Lounge!
So I wanted to thank Library Hotel, for having me, I had the most amazing stay as it's their attention to details, exceptional service and beautiful design, that gives you truly a remarkable and outstanding experience!

Have a beautiful day everyone!



Natali said...

Oh wow! Looks like a fantastic hotel to stay at, I'll def. bookmark it!

Maruša said...

Tesa! Jaz sem povsem navdušeno sledila tvojim Instagram objavam. Pred parimi leti sem bila tudi sama v NY in moram reči, da si me s svojimi fotkami ponesla nazaj. Hotel je čudovit, sem že dodala na seznam, če bom še kdaj imela možnost odpotovati tja. Kdo te je pa fotografiral, kako si prišla do vstopnic za NYFW, nam boš zaupala kaj iz ozadja? :)


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